Thursday, November 09, 2006


Tonight was wonderful.

Initially when I took this job I made myself four promises.
Promise 1: I must take at least one day off a week.
Promise 2: I will be more committed to practicing the spiritual discipline of silence.
Promise 3: I will take every opportunity to live in joy and laughter.
Promise 4: I will continually look for new expereinces.

Well, Promises 1 & 2 have been difficult to maintain. (Ok so I haven't practiced silence at all this fall....but I will). But Promises 3 & 4 have been really good for my heart.

For instance this Tuesday I learned how to shoot a 22. Now, I am not sure exactly what I will do with this new found knowledge, as I am too much of a wuss to kill anything. I did however, feel rather tough as I lugged my gun accross the feild to shoot at my wooden target. (...'lugged my gun' - never thought I would use those words in a sentance).

And then to night, this Thursday night found my self in another new and joyful situation. I sat at a table with four men playing poker. Oh, yes - I put my five bucks into the pot and lost every penny. They each had their beers, I had my diet pepsi. They talked about hunting, I talked about Youth Group. Life was good.

And initally so was I, apparently four of a kind and the wide eyes of a girl playing dumb pays pretty well! I really had fun...a new expereince but I think I'll add it to my list of good expereinces.

I suppose the moral for my day is simply - Jesus brings us joy in the weirdest ways. I don't deserve it. I don't know my heart like I should. I don't know Jesus' heart like I should. I am not the person I want to be or should be... But He still chooses to bring me joy.


Dana said...

so... where these young men that you playing poker with?? Perhaps young, hansome men???? Young hansome men that you could marry????.... just a question I had...

Erica R said...

Ummm - I'm gonna go with a no on that one....yeah...

Nathan & Rosanna Toews said...

You are a great encouragement to us! Thanks for sharing.

Karl said...

Don't lie to us Erica. I want names and stats on them. By the way, good to hear your getting into the whole firearms thing. I guess I was wrong about you being TOTALLY high maintenance.... maybe.

betty said...

so dana thought you could marry one of those handsome young poker players...but hey...lets be honest...dana and I need lovely poker players of our that still leaves you with two to choose from so have at er!

Dayna said...

Perhaps not TOTALLY high maintenance, but pretty close :)
But really, I think you're awesome. Joy most certainly comes from the places that we seem to least expect it. Love ya. Are you around during Christmas??? I am...somewhere...