Friday, October 06, 2006

...You should probably disregard this...

Ummm.... much has happened in the last little while. And while I could fill you in on the great mystery my life has become, even to myself. I would rather start mid-rant. No rant is too strong - mid medicated thot. (Thats better).

I am currently sitting on my parents' couch, by myself - drinking orange juice that strangely smells like ham. Heartily medicated with pain killers as I recover in a state of post-op. (It really is nothing in get in a huff about, minor surgery - but man is recovery a waste of time!). And I got to thinking....

Never a good thing when pain killers are near by. There are people in this world who can attest to my basket case-esque behaviour when I am perscribed anything stronger than Advil.

And as I am sitting here watching this horribly immoral show that I love called Grey's Anatomy, relating to the poor misguided George who I am more like than I care to admit. I turn to my couch mate - my mom's terribly mean little dog - and wonder why she hasn't taken advantage of my weak state and attacked...when I begin to crave icecream. Good icecream - that kind of icecream that costs way too much to come in the small size in which is comes in.

You know the mini break up bucket...or the I got fired bucket...

Every single female knows what I am talking about. Ben and Jerry are rich because they understand women.

Anyway, I thinking about this and I start to miss all of my Ben and Jerry friends... you know who you are. Those friends who don't need to knock. They can come in plop down in front of you, hand you a spoon and you feel loved.

I just wanted to say that I miss you guys...
(and I'll probably delete this once the codine wears off....)

All and all this should probably be disregarded. I may fill you in on the actual state of affairs later this month.


Dayna said...

I think you're great. I hear that you got a job...from Jaci. :) I miss you and I hope that you recover well!! LOve you.

Erica said...

Erica; weren't you supposed to sleep on my couch yesterday? Erica.

Amber said...

I like you!

Trev and Rebekah said...

Did you get your wisdome teeth pulled?
I loke Grey's too but Trev keeps telling me it's a soap.
I hear what you mean about friends like that.
Erica, You are an amazing girl. I regret not getting to know you better while we were on drama together. Man I miss doing that musical.

Anonymous said...

I hear that frozen cookie dough is pretty good too...Also chips and dip...Ahhh, thx for all the good memories!