Tuesday, June 27, 2006

How Great is our God

I will exalt you, my God the king;
I will praise your name forever and ever.
Everyday I will praise you and extol your name forever and ever.
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;
his greatness no one can fathom.
Psalm 145:1-3

This weekend I observed something that brought tears to my eyes; a widow who had spent the last year battling with her husband as he fought cancer raising her heart in worship at his funeral.

God is greater. That is what her action spoke of so loudly, God is greater. It is strange how I lose focus of the greatness of God. He is GREAT, VAST and ALL POWERFUL, in our deaths and in our lives God is greater. We are part of His great plan not the other way around.

I know this is not a revelation of great wisdom, as my thoughts seldom are but it is a thought of continuing impact on my heart. A woman whose beloved has passed on, whose teen children are mourning, whose life has been permanently altered raises her hands in surrender and worship. Because God is greater.

This puts everything into perspective, all things fall short of God's greatness and therefore our worship of God's greatness should be placed at the highest level of importance in our lives. Everything else, all the worries and stresses of life, is secondary. Worship is primary.

How Great is our God.


Trev and Rebekah said...

I remember seeing a sight similar last year when i was at my pastor's funeral and His wife shared at the viewing service. There is so much for us to learn through times like these in our lives.

Amy Smith said...

erica you are beautiful. i love how you really see so much. you don't just see but you really seeeee.... you dig? and you are also open to learning which really encourages so many people. so thank you for being open to sharing what God is doing in you. i love ya!

betty said...

erica, i am coming to terms with the whole worship is primary thing...would love to chat over coffee...but you are in japan...maybe just coffee and an email hey? love you

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